The Tax Post-A Bi-monthly Indirect Tax Bulletin - May 2024

The Tax Post-A Bi-monthly Indirect Tax Bulletin - May 2024

BDO in India is pleased to present ‘The Tax Post’ - A bi-monthly Indirect Tax Bulletin focusing on the world of Indirect Taxes and highlighting major trends across the space in India and globally, while also bringing forth practical views and experiences from our tax experts.

Presenting edition 24 of The Tax Post, spotlighting key industry trends:

Cover Story – Examines the instances in which the extended period of limitation can and cannot be invoked under the GST law.

Expert Speak – Analyses the recently issued public notice that prescribes the procedure to be followed for verification and defacing of specified Country of Origin certificate.

In Tales – Dissects the Oil and Gas sector, highlighting the global outlook and India’s position in the sector.

Decoded – Examines a judgement holding that an automatic interest liability occurs in case of delay in furnishing returns irrespective of whether the payment is made from Electronic Cash Ledger or Electronic Credit Ledger.

