Dheeraj Toshniwal
Digital Services
BDO Digital
Knowing ‘What’ digital means for an organisation is critical to the success of its transformation. With various buzzwords in use, it is easy to get confused and lost. Organisations need to clearly understand the new opportunities, calculate the risks of doing nothing, and define the areas of focus to arrive at investable digital bets.
A business’ digital transformation needs a clear definition of objectives, extensive collaboration across the enterprise, and newer skills to manage the transformation. The alignment of business and technology teams is the most critical element to ensuring that the solutions being implemented are in line with business strategy and get adopted quickly. Digital initiatives need to be positioned and managed as strategic programmes to realise their true value.
A business’ digital transformation needs a clear definition of objectives. Our experts help management teams strategise and accomplish complex digital transformation programmes through:
Dheeraj Toshniwal
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