Lender Assurance

Diligent checks across the lending cycle to help minimise defaults


The problem of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in the Indian lending sector remains acute, and the proportion of bad loans has been rising over the years. Recent times have exposed bankrupt businessmen, defaulters, frauds, and scams, questioning the very basis of loan disbursements and the possibility of recoveries. As banks take significant haircuts in large NPA accounts, the whole ecosystem of lending, from disbursement to recovery, is going through an intensive phase of scrutiny.

Combining the expertise and efficiency of a highly skilled team of professionals, we at BDO in India provide a gamut of lender assurance services to banks and other lending institutions. Our forensic services are designed to maintain the required checks and balances in the lending cycle from pre-disbursement, post-disbursement, stress, and recovery.

How BDO India Can Help

We assist lenders in making informed decisions by furnishing relevant information about the financial and reputational integrity of borrowers and key managerial personnel.

Our forensic audit services are designed to assist lenders in proactively identifying any incidents of fraud or willful defaults in their loan portfolio.

We provide customised services to Insolvency Resolution Professionals and the Committee of Creditors to assist them in the procedures of the IBC 2016

We assist banks in continuous post-sanction monitoring of cash flows in the loan accounts of companies and/or projects. Our professionals have domain knowledge, experience, and skills in different sectors and industries.

We assist in identifying undisclosed assets primarily through leads identified by analysis of accounting records, bank account statements, and public domain searches.

Our audits help banks assess the risks involved in the Bank Guarantee (BG) extended along with the project's progress.

  • Due diligence check
  • TRA & other regulatory compliance
  • RBI compliance
  • Identification of connected persons, promoters, willful defaulters, etc.
  • Relationship check of the above
  • Eligibility criteria under Section 29A
  • Identification of preferential, undervalued, anomalies and extortionate credit transactions (Sec. 43, 45, 49 and 50)
  • Ascertain genuineness of transactions & trading (Sec. 66).

How BDO India Can Help

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